Hi, i am trying to format the float values to 2 decimal place after replacing NA values with columns mean() and trying to keep the ID column without any decimal place, but getting error in streamlit. Can anyone help me in this.
My Steps:
1. Read the dataframe df
2. created a new dataframe as x without the ‘ID’ column
3. Replace the NA values with it’s column mean() and stored back to x
4. Printing the dataframe x without ‘ID’ column and formated to 2 decimal place in streamlit
5. Trying to concat the ‘ID’ column of df i.e. df[“ID”] with the dataframe x and trying to print in streamlit but getting error and showing different type.
I have attached my dataset also.
My Code:
x = df.iloc[:,1:]
x.replace(np.nan,x.mean(),inplace = True)
x = x.style.format("{:.2}")
result = pd.concat([df["ID"],x],axis = 1)
My Dataframe:
ID Position Marks 4 5.7680 56.4000 5 56.4000 6 5.7680 56.4000 7 5.7680 56.4000 8 7.2680 56.4000 9 5.7680 56.4000 10 5.7680 56.4000 11 5.7680 12 5.7680 56.4000 13 5.7680 56.4000 14 56.4000 15 5.7680 56.4000 16 5.9680 56.4000 17 5.7680 56.4000 18 2.7680 56.4000 19 5.7680 56.4000 20 5.7680 21 5.7680 56.4000 22 5.7680 56.4000 23 5.7680 56.4000