Hi all!
I have this app that uses beautiful aggrid tables. Now I want to add new tables that, when a value is added, will call a function:
def edit_session_state(df, country, LEFT_RIGHT):
st.session_state[f"manual_inputs_{country}_{LEFT_RIGHT}"]= df
editable_df = st.data_editor(manual_inputs_df, use_container_width=True, key=f"{country}_{LEFT_RIGHT}",
on_change=edit_session_state, args=[manual_inputs_df,country, LEFT_RIGHT])
I’m calling the edit_session_state otherwise the input values will disappear (its a limitation of the session state: when I am calling it over various streamlit tabs, it will respond with a lag. Calling this function fixes this lag, as you can see in this example here: streamlit example )
However, for important visual reasons, I do not wish to use st.data_editor but use aggrid instead:
def produce_live_inputs_table(df, key, country, LEFT_RIGHT):
column_defs = [
{"field": 'contract', "headerName": 'contract', "minWidth": 160, "maxWidth": 170},
{"field": "input", "headerName": "input", "precision": 2, "type": ["numericColumn"], "editable": True,
"minWidth": 120, "maxWidth": 130},
{"field": 'Mat', "headerName": 'Mat', "minWidth": 160, "maxWidth": 170}
grid_options = {
"columnDefs": column_defs,
"suppressFieldDotNotation": True,
"cellPadding": 0.5,
"headerPadding": 0.5,
"columnMenu": "new",
"rowBuffer": 10,
"enableRangeSelection": 'true',
'editable': 'true'
gb = GridOptionsBuilder.from_dataframe(df)
gridOptions = gb.build()
grid_return = AgGrid(df, gridOptions=gridOptions, editable=True, data_return_mode=DataReturnMode.AS_INPUT,
allow_unsafe_jscode=True, enable_enterprise_modules=True, filter=True,
theme="material", tree_data=True, height=450,
df = grid_return['data']
edit_session_state(df, country, LEFT_RIGHT=LEFT_RIGHT)
return df
editable_df = produce_live_inputs_table(manual_inputs_df, key=f"{country}_{LEFT_RIGHT}", country=country, LEFT_RIGHT=LEFT_RIGHT)
However, calling the function at the end of my produce_live_inputs_table function does not fix the issue as the callback in st.data_editor does.
Can someone help me mimic this callback effect?
Here is my entire code:
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
from st_aggrid import AgGrid, JsCode, GridUpdateMode, GridOptionsBuilder, DataReturnMode
tab_CH, tab_US, tab_EU = st.tabs(
["CHINA", "US", "EUROPE"])
country_tabs_dict = {
"DE": tab_CH,
"FR": tab_US,
"BE": tab_EU,
def produce_live_inputs_table(df, key, country, LEFT_RIGHT):
column_defs = [
{"field": 'contract', "headerName": 'contract', "minWidth": 160, "maxWidth": 170},
{"field": "input", "headerName": "input", "precision": 2, "type": ["numericColumn"], "editable": True,
"minWidth": 120, "maxWidth": 130},
{"field": 'Mat', "headerName": 'Mat', "minWidth": 160, "maxWidth": 170}
grid_options = {
"columnDefs": column_defs,
"suppressFieldDotNotation": True,
"cellPadding": 0.5,
"headerPadding": 0.5,
"columnMenu": "new",
"rowBuffer": 10,
"enableRangeSelection": 'true',
'editable': 'true'
gb = GridOptionsBuilder.from_dataframe(df)
gridOptions = gb.build()
grid_return = AgGrid(df, gridOptions=gridOptions, editable=True, data_return_mode=DataReturnMode.AS_INPUT,
allow_unsafe_jscode=True, enable_enterprise_modules=True, filter=True,
theme="material", tree_data=True, height=450,
df = grid_return['data']
edit_session_state(df, country, LEFT_RIGHT=LEFT_RIGHT)
return df
def edit_session_state(df, country, LEFT_RIGHT):
st.session_state[f"manual_inputs_{country}_{LEFT_RIGHT}"]= df
def get_and_show_table(LEFT_RIGHT, country):
if f"manual_inputs_{country}_{LEFT_RIGHT}" not in st.session_state:
manual_inputs_dict = {
"contract": ["Contract A", "Contract B", "Contract C", "Contract D"],
"input": [100, 200, 150, 300],
"Mat": ["2024-01-01", "2024-02-01", "2024-03-01", "2024-04-01"],
manual_inputs_df = pd.DataFrame(manual_inputs_dict)
st.session_state[f"manual_inputs_{country}_{LEFT_RIGHT}"] = manual_inputs_df
manual_inputs_df = st.session_state[f"manual_inputs_{country}_{LEFT_RIGHT}"]
# Streamlit App
st.title("Data Modification App")
st.write("### Modify the DataFrame below:")
# Use Streamlit's data editor to modify the DataFrame
editable_df = st.data_editor(manual_inputs_df, use_container_width=True, key=f"{country}_{LEFT_RIGHT}",
on_change=edit_session_state, args=[manual_inputs_df,country, LEFT_RIGHT])
# editable_df = produce_live_inputs_table(manual_inputs_df, key=f"{country}_{LEFT_RIGHT}", country=country, LEFT_RIGHT=LEFT_RIGHT)
for country in country_tabs_dict.keys():
with country_tabs_dict[country]:
tab_LEFT, tab_RIGHT, tab_NONE = st.tabs([":zap: LEFT", ":sunny: RIGHT", ":waning_crescent_moon: NONE"])
with tab_LEFT:
get_and_show_table(LEFT_RIGHT='LEFT', country=country)
with tab_RIGHT:
get_and_show_table(LEFT_RIGHT='RIGHT', country=country)