How to hash only string input function parameters

Hi ! Iโ€™m sorry having to ask, but I seem to not really understand caching system.
I have a function quite short now, but with many pandas dataframes, SQLAlchemy objects, which make requests. It tooks only 2 strings as parameters and I would like to run it only when at least one of them changes.

The problem is that it is way too long, more than 30 seconds to hash a simple function !! I used this code to remove hashing heavy objects but nothing changes.

@st.cache(hash_funcs={ lambda _: None,
pd.DataFrame: lambda _: None}) 

So my question is why is it so long ? There is quite nothing to hash. And by the way in production mode I donโ€™t care about hashing the body function, it will not change (and could reach +1000 lines). So basicaly I just want to hash 2 little strings, and nothing else.
How can I do this ?

Hi @David_M, welcome to the forum :wave:

Itโ€™s not possible to hash only the function inputs at the moment, but feel free to file a feature request!

However, when hashing the body of the function we also hash the implicit inputs to the function, which could change even if the body of the function doesnโ€™t.

30 seconds sounds very long for hashing the function, are you sure itโ€™s not re-running the function each time?

You can verify cache misses or hits in your server logging

DEBUG   streamlit.caching: Cache miss: <function load_data at 0x120909170>
DEBUG   streamlit.caching: Cache hit: <function load_data at 0x120909170>

To be able to help you further, could you share sample code that we can copy/paste and run to reproduce your issue?

Lastly, a 1000+ line function sounds very long! Could you break that into smaller functions and cache selectively?