with st.form("my_form"):
if 'key11' not in st.session_state:
service = st.text_input("Movie title", "",label_visibility="collapsed",key="service-input",placeholder="Service")
with st.container(key="btn-container"):
continueBtn =st.form_submit_button("Continuer", type="primary")
if continueBtn:
st.write("slider", "slider_val", "checkbox", "checkbox_val")
elif 'key11' in st.session_state and st.session_state['key11']==1 :
email = st.text_input("Movie title", "",label_visibility="collapsed",key="email-input",placeholder="Email")
with st.container(key="btn-container-connect"):
loginBtn = st.form_submit_button("login", type="primary")
I dont know why I need to click on the bouton two times to hide the elements based on the condition in the IF clause, any one have any idea please ?