How to retrieve a file saved using openpyxl in streamlit app?

Hello there !

I have a python code that calculates a file with excel format, and I usually save it with openpyxl using the command : when I work in local.

Now, I want to do the same thing using streamlit. The file “workbook” is calculated alright, but I do not succeed in retrieving it using a download button, here is what I am doing so far :

st.download_button(“Récupérer le fichier”,

but the format is invalid. I have tried to convert in Dataframe using Pandas and convert in binary but no success so far…

Or alternatively, would it be possible to save the file using openpyxl as I do in local, and then retrieve it from the streamlit buffer ?

Thanks and best wishes for your day

Hello there, I have finally found a workaround ! So here I share it with the community :slight_smile:

from openpyxl import Workbook
from io import BytesIO

workbook = Workbook()

with NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp:
     data = BytesIO(

st.download_button("Retrieve file",
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I was wondering if you could give me some more info on how you got it working?
I’m having the same issue as you.
I upload my file using:

source_file = st.file_uploader(“Choose a file”,key=st.session_state.widget_key)

It immediatly processes the file and then saves it using

Now i want to download the modified file. Could you give me some more info on how to do it?

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