How to save all widget state?

Suppose I have a data frame with all fancy widgets, dropdown, text input, slider etc. User can select different values on those widgets.

Is there a possible yet generic enough way to download all user’s current state on all those interactive widget into a JSON file or something? Our project requires us to save those user state and share it with another user. I have taken a look at SessionState , however this requires us to manually add all the widget values to the state, which might not be generic enough.

A Random Streamlit Fan

Aware that similar issue is discussed here

Hi @zhaoooyue, and welcome to Streamlit!

There isn’t a good way to do this in Streamlit, but it seems like the perfect job for a custom wrapper function.

For example, this make_recording_widget function wraps any st.widget and returns a new function that calls the original widget and also saves its current value to a global dictionary:

import streamlit as st

widget_values = {}

def make_recording_widget(f):
    """Return a function that wraps a streamlit widget and records the
    widget's values to a global dictionary.
    def wrapper(label, *args, **kwargs):
        widget_value = f(label, *args, **kwargs)
        widget_values[label] = widget_value
        return widget_value

    return wrapper

button = make_recording_widget(st.button)
slider = make_recording_widget(st.slider)
checkbox = make_recording_widget(st.checkbox)
# ... create any other wrapped widgets you want

button("Recorded Button")
slider("Recorded Slider")
checkbox("Recorded Checkbox")

# All current widget values will be recorded in the widget_values dict.
# We print them here; they could also be serialized to JSON or whatever.
st.write("Recorded values: ", widget_values)

In this example, we’re just printing out all the widget values at the end of the script, but you could also serialize them to a JSON file, ship them off to a server, or what-have-you!

(Also note that if you have multiple widgets with the same label, you’ll need to come up with a different key to uniquely identify each widget; I’m just using label here for expediency sake, but internally, Streamlit uses a hash of all the values passed to each widget to uniquely identify that widget. Less fragile, but also much less readable by humans.)


Thanks @tim! This approach worked quite well for my requirement.

like save in archive json?