How can I wrap the text in my AgGrid so you can see the full text?
This is what my grid looks like.
Steps to reproduce
This is how I’m building my grid. I tried passing the wrap header text variable but that doesn’t seem to work. I need to be able to edit this column, so tooltips wouldn’t be helpful.
Code snippet:
df = st.session_state['data']
gd = GridOptionsBuilder.from_dataframe(df)
gd.configure_column("Notes", wrapHeaderText= True, autoHeaderHeight= True)
gd.configure_default_column(editable=True, groupable=True)
gd.configure_selection(selection_mode = 'multiple',use_checkbox=False)
gridoptions =
grid_table = AgGrid(df, columns_auto_size_mode=ColumnsAutoSizeMode.FIT_CONTENTS, gridOptions=gridoptions,
update_mode=GridUpdateMode.SELECTION_CHANGED | GridUpdateMode.VALUE_CHANGED,
height=650, width = 8000,
Thank you very much.
Using Streamlit 1.11 and streamlit-aggrid 0.3.3