How to use custom directory pages in sidebar

Hello Community,

I want to create access a file that is not stored in the pages folder like:

here is the example of my app/

import streamlit as st
import os,sys

def custom_menu():

    st.sidebar.page_link("./pages/", label="page 1")
    st.sidebar.page_link("./report/my-report.html", label="view report")

here is the example of app/.streamlit/config.toml

showSidebarNavigation = false

now if i try to access it with app/pages/

from menu import custom_menu  # Import the custom menu function

# Display the custom menu

then i’m getting this error:
StreamlitAPIException: Could not find page: ./report/my-report.html. Must be the file path relative to the main script, from the directory: app. Only the main app file and files in the pages/ directory are supported.

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