I am encountering error for Streamlit widgets for the st.text area despite giving unique keys to each text area

st.markdown(“#### Step 1: Enter Topic”)
st.session_state.topic = st.text_area(“What are you writing today?”, height=150, key=“topic_text_area”)

Step 2: Enter Keywords with a new key
st.markdown(“#### Step 2: Enter Keywords”)
st.session_state.keyword = st.text_input(“Enter your keywords here:”, key=“keywords_text_input”)
st.session_state.edited_text = st.text_area(“Edit your content:”, value=st.session_state.generated_text, height=500, key=‘edit_text_area’)

An error occurred: There are multiple identical st.text_area widgets with the same generated key.

When a widget is created, it’s assigned an internal key based on its structure. Multiple widgets with an identical structure will result in the same internal key, which causes this error.

To fix this error, please pass a unique key argument to st.text_area.


I am not able to reproduce your problem.

This code works for me using Streamlit Version 1.37.1

import streamlit as st

st.markdown("#### Step 1: Enter Topic")

st.session_state.topic = st.text_area("What are you writing today?", height=150, key="topic_text_area")

# Step 2: Enter Keywords with a new key

st.markdown("#### Step 2: Enter Keywords")

st.session_state.keyword = st.text_input("Enter your keywords here:", key="keywords_text_input")

st.session_state.edited_text = st.text_area("Edit your content:", value=st.session_state.get("generated_text", ""), height=500, key="edit_text_area")

Kind regards