I am trying to Build a data app using directions available at the
but has been getting the error . have tried multiple options but no luck yet .
I have hosted the streamlit open source in our AWS premises and trying to connect to Snowflake & Azure OPEN AI . I am able to connect to the Snowflake instance with credentials in the .toml file. but getting error while connecting to the Azure OPEN AI . The shared you tube video is based on the open ai so i am trying to tweak the code base slightly as per azure open ai but have no luck yet .
Error message :
‘st.secrets has no key “OPENAI_API_KEY”. Did you forget to add it to secrets.toml or the app settings on Streamlit Cloud? More info: Secrets management - Streamlit Docs’
Can someone guide me through this so that i can follow the shared you tube video and able to create the data apps.