I don't see button


when you display the app the button is not shown

def run_feature_extraction():
    if data_dir and os.path.isdir(data_dir):
        _models = FaceNetModels()
        if st.button("Extraer caracterĂ­sticas"):
            caracteristicas = _models.extract_embeddings(data_dir)
            st.write("Diccionario de caracterĂ­sticas:")

        st.warning("Ingrese una ruta de carpeta vĂĄlida para continuar.")

Code snippet:

add code here

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Expected behavior:

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Actual behavior:

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Debug info

  • Streamlit version: (get it with $ streamlit version)
  • Python version: (get it with $ python --version)
  • Using Conda? PipEnv? PyEnv? Pex?
  • OS version:
  • Browser version:

Requirements file

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Additional information

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Hey @fernando_molas_garci,

Unfortunately that code snippet isn’t runnable so I’m not able to reproduce this, but it doesn’t look like you’re calling the function run_feature_extraction(), which would mean that the line creating the button isn’t running.

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