I have a st.chat thumbs up feedback and also a st.download for each chat. Clicking on one deactivates the other

I have a streamlit userfeedback thumbs up/down for each chat answer like this -

col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns([3, 3, 0.5, 0.5])
            with col3:
                if st.button(":thumbsup:", on_click = like_button_clicked):
            with col4:
                if st.button(":thumbsdown:", on_click = unlike_button_clicked):

Now also for each answer I have a download button that download some extracted text from the answer -

if '<NONE>' not in res.split("[/INST]")[-1].strip().split(':')[-1].strip():
            with open('exec.txt') as f:
                        st.download_button('Download script', f, 'exec.txt')

The problem is if i give feedback, the download disappears and vice versa, why does this happen and any workarounds, thanks!

Have a look on this Using Streamlit: how to post a question in the Streamlit forum to properly present your issue.