Inconsistent folder name across browsers

I have a very simple streamlit app that uses Path from pathlib to display the folder name of the uploaded files. Works as expected on Firefox but not in Chrome-based browsers: I understand that might be due to some security differences between the browser but does anyone know a solution or a workaround?

Python : 3.11
Streamlit: 1.39.0
pathlib: 1.0.1

import streamlit as st
from pathlib import Path

uploaded_files = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Choose files", type="txt", accept_multiple_files=True)
if uploaded_files:
    for uploaded_file in uploaded_files:
        folder_name = Path(
        st.write(f"Original file name: {folder_name}")



You’re correct that it’s a security difference – the Brave behavior seems to be much more standard, and is meant to help users avoid accidentally leaking information about their computers. So, I don’t think there’s any good way to enable any behavior with the original filepath of a file that will work across browsers.

That pathlib is really obsolete, you’d better use the pathlib in the standard library.

I don’t understand why the browser would make any difference. Path( is evaluated in the server regardless of the browser, and it should be an empty string, because it is the current directoy. That is what I get using firefox, edge and gnome web.

Try st.write(Path( check. Anyway that is not “the folder name of the uploaded files”. That information is not available to your application.

Thanks for the reply.
I’m not entirely sure I understand what you mean.

What you suggested:
st.write(Path( returns the full path on Firefox and the the full path but the folder name on Brave/Chrome.

What do you mean exactly by “the folder name of the uploaded files”? When I drag and drop the folder on Firefox, I definitely get the folder name of the uploaded files.

Oh, wait. You are uploading folders. I totally misunderstood the issue. Sorry about that.