Is it possible to use Markdown/Quarto file to create downloadable html files with streamlit app in streamlit cloud?

I already have a streamlit app running on streamlit cloud and I am planning a feature to allow users to download anlaytics / plotly charts and text based html report.

Is it possible to use markdown files or quarto or jinj2 within streamlit cloud with streamlit app to create/write .html files on click button.

Please excuse my ignorance in this.

Just wanted to confirm before investing any time in creating this feature in app.

Thanks !!!

Not quite sure what you are trying to ask. If you have markdown, you can convert it to html. If you have html, you can make it available for the user to download. I don’t know about quarto or jinj2.

Thanks @Goyo. I could be wrong but I think I read somewhere that writing files in streamlit cloud is not possible/allowed so I had this doubt about writing markdown to html files.

Thanks for the confirmation on its possibility!!

You can write files in streamlit cloud, but your app will run in a virtual machine that can be restarted at any moment so it is not a reliable storage service. For temporary, session-scoped files it is fine, but in many cases it is better to generate the html in memory. You can let the user download in-memory data as files too.

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