Isn't there a way to call the internally created variable external?

I want to create an empty dataset and add rows to that dataset. Then I want to view the dataset elsewhere.

I wrote a function for this and I am able to add a new record with the help of this function. I assign the dataset to the โ€˜beforeโ€™ variable after each new record is added.

@st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True, persist = True)
def beforeSTable(col, nan, nofr, pfr, dqs):
    global before
    before = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Column", "Null Records", "Out of Format Records", "Proper Format Records", "Column DQ Score(%)"])
    before.loc[len(before)] = [col, nan, nofr, pfr, dqs]
    return before
                    if table == "'Before' Summary Table":
                        if insert:
                            before = beforeSTable(selected_column, nanCount, NOFR, PFR, dq_score)
                            st.success("Values have been added to 'Before' Summary Table.")
            if task == "Review Summary Report and Download Adjusted Data":
                st.write("'Before' Summary Table")
                st.dataframe({"Column DQ Score(%)": '{:,.2f}'}))

However, when I want to view the dataset, I get the error that the โ€˜beforeโ€™ variable is not defined.

NameError: name 'before' is not defined
File "c:\users\beytullah.goyem\anaconda3\envs\streamlit\lib\site-packages\streamlit\", line 338, in _run_script
    exec(code, module.__dict__)
File "C:\Users\beytullah.goyem\PycharmProjects\dataqtor\", line 2036, in <module>
    st.dataframe({"Column DQ Score(%)": '{:,.2f}'}))

I know why I am getting this error. The code block I assigned the dataset to the โ€˜beforeโ€™ variable falls outside the code block I want to display the dataset in. Thatโ€™s why it doesnโ€™t recognize the โ€˜beforeโ€™ variable when I want to display the dataset.

Isnโ€™t there a way to call the internally created variable external? I hope I was able to explain my problem.