Issue rebooting application

I am trying to reboot my application, which uses poetry and 3.11.4. It fails with the following message

/mount/src/oztam-qa-lla /mount/src/xxxx-qa-lla

Current Python version (3.9.18) is not allowed by the project (^3.11.4).

Please change python executable via the “env use” command.


I am not sure how to proceed

I ended up downgrading to 3.9.13 but not i get the following error

An error occurred: Your system has an unsupported version of sqlite3. Chroma                     requires sqlite3 >= 3.35.0.

Hi @Jim_Alateras, thanks for sharing this question. Can you please share the GitHub repo and app link?

Hey Caroline, I ended up moving to Heroku for hosting. Unfortunately the streamlit solution, although free, was too constraining

Hi @Jim_Alateras

There was a similar post and the solution suggested to use pysqlite3-binary instead of the built-in sqlite3.

Hope this helps!

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