Issue when sharing a private app

Good afternoon,

When I try to share my private app it says " Error Internal Server Error". I already have 6 invited users.

Any idea of the problem ?

Hi @Antotg, and welcome to the community! :hugs:

Would it be possible to send us the link to your app and its repo?


Hi @Charly_Wargnier,

My app and the GitHub repo are private so I can’t share it via the link, can I ?


Hey @Antotg,

I believe we should still be able to pinpoint connectivity-related issues with your repo, despite it being private.


Hi @Charly_Wargnier ,

Here is the private repo and the app link


Thanks, @Antotg.

Before we delve into the issue further, may I just check that the issue still persists?


I still have the issue yes.

Thank you @Charly_Wargnier

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I’ve identified an issue in the logs. I will look into it tomorrow, with a fix coming out some time next week.

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As a workaround, can you try clearing the list of viewers and then adding all of them and the new ones back?

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Hi @Alexandru_Toader ,

That is the 1st thing I wanted to try but I am scared of not being able to add them back. We use this app for professional purposes.

Hi! We expect to release the fix on the 2nd of April. I’ll let you know once it is out.

Hi @Alexandru_Toader

Thank you for the update.

Hi! The issue has been resolved.

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It’s working fine, thank you !

Thanks, @Alexandru_Toader! :pray:

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