I am trying to achieve the below functionality in SiS(streamlit in snowflake) but facing issues:
Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS) :
- python=3.8.*
- streamlit=1.26
- display table data as dataframe
- Take user input as text_input
- display ADD button,
on click of ADD button
- i) user input should be inserted to the table and display updated data of table in first point 1)
- ii) Success or error message should be displayed below the button
- iii) user input columns should be cleared (reset the input text values)
- Edit functionality on click of button on getting user input(text_input) of edited details
Solutions tried
Option1 : using If st.button(“ADD”) : completed code below:
Issues faced :
The below code is displaying the success/error message below the button as per requirement, but facing below issues
- When clearing user input columns using reset function , getting error : “StreamlitAPIException: st.session_state.input_name cannot be modified after the widget with key input_name is instantiated.”
- Displayed dataframe on top is not being refreshed or added record is not showing in the table dataframe.
create table TEST_DB.PUBLIC.student
student_name string,
branch string,
email string
insert into student values ('Dave','Computers','dave@gmail.com') ;
insert into student values ('Christi','Economics','Christi@gmail.com') ;
#**Streamlit Code:**
import streamlit as st
from snowflake.snowpark.context import get_active_session
session = get_active_session()
st.title("Manage Student details :")
def reset():
st.session_state.input_name =''
st.session_state.input_branch =''
st.session_state.input_email =''
def main():
st.subheader("Student details")
sql = "select student_name,branch,email from TEST_DB.PUBLIC.STUDENT "
data = session.sql(sql).collect()
except Exception as e:
st.error("Error while fectching snowflake account details: ")
st.write('**:blue[Enter Student details to add:]**')
dfColumns = st.columns(3)
with dfColumns[0]:
name = st.text_input(':blue[Student Name:]', key='input_name')
with dfColumns[1]:
branch = st.text_input(':blue[Branch:]', key='input_branch')
with dfColumns[2]:
mail = st.text_input(':blue[Email:]', key='input_email')
if st.button("ADD"):
if name !='' and branch != '' and mail != '':
sql = "insert into TEST_DB.PUBLIC.STUDENT values ('"+name+"','"+branch+"','"+mail+"')"
st.success("details added successfully")
except Exception as e:
st.error("Error while inserting data")
if __name__ == "__main__":
screenshot of the issued faced using option1 code:
Option 2 : using st.button(“ADD” , on_click = add_button, args)
Issue : Success/error message is being displayed on top of the page
Code :
import streamlit as st
from snowflake.snowpark.context import get_active_session
session = get_active_session()
st.title("Manage Student details :")
def reset():
st.session_state.input_name =''
st.session_state.input_branch =''
st.session_state.input_email =''
def add(name,branch,mail):
if name !='' and branch != '' and mail != '':
sql = "insert into TEST_DB.PUBLIC.STUDENT values (TEST_DB.PUBLIC.STUDENT_ID_SEQ.nextval,'"+name+"','"+branch+"','"+mail+"')"
st.success("details added successfully")
except Exception as e:
st.error("Error while inserting data")
def main():
st.subheader("Student details")
sql = "select student_name,branch,email from TEST_DB.PUBLIC.STUDENT "
data = session.sql(sql).collect()
except Exception as e:
st.error("Error while fectching snowflake account details: ")
st.write('**:blue[Enter Student details to add:]**')
dfColumns = st.columns(3)
with dfColumns[0]:
name = st.text_input(':blue[Student Name:]', key='input_name')
with dfColumns[1]:
branch = st.text_input(':blue[Branch:]', key='input_branch')
with dfColumns[2]:
mail = st.text_input(':blue[Email:]', key='input_email')
st.button("ADD", on_click=add,args=[name,branch,mail],key='add_button')
if __name__ == "__main__":
screenshot of the issued faced using option2 code:
Please let me know if there is any work around for this.