Hey All!
Sorry if this is a duplicate question!
I am trying to create the following feature
- A text_input with some default markdown text inside it.
- The default markdown should be previewed
- The user should be able to enter some markdown text in the text_input and upon clicking a button, a spinner should load and the markdown should be previewed
- A checkbox to restore the text_input to default text and preview to default
Below is my current code
def introduction():
# Title
default_title = '''# Hello, folks!'''
title_input = st.text_area(label="", value =default_title)
preview_title = st.button('Preview')
if st.checkbox("Restore Default"):
title_input = default_title
if preview_title:
with st.spinner("Generating Preview"):
It kind of works but upon pressing the button, the spinner doesn’t load and basically nothing happens for around 10 seconds. Although the markdown is previewed, I would like the spinner to be displayed and the whole process to be faster.
On a side note, I believe the app re-runs whenever the user inputs text into the text_input component. Is it possible to build a live Markdown preview feature?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!