Hi, I agree with the others that the code is awesome! Thanks all of you.
I have a specific issue with the row opening mechanics demonstrated in the following video:
I guess this is because the selectbox triggers an execution of the script and thus resets the status of the button? MWE:
import streamlit as st
cols = st.columns(2)
fields = ["id", "content"]
# header
for col, field in zip(cols, fields):
# rows
for idx, row in zip([1,2,3],["test1", "test2", "test3"]):
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
placeholder = col2.empty()
show_more = placeholder.button("more", key=idx, type="primary")
# if button pressed
if show_more:
# rename button
placeholder.button("less", key=str(idx)+"_")
# do stuff
st.write("This is some more stuff with a checkbox")
temp = st.selectbox("Select one", ["A", "B", "C"])
st.write("You picked ", temp)
Does someone have an idea how to stay within a selected row even when there is a new widget?
Thank you very much.