Merge component in to main Streamlit Lib

Hello @gagan3012,

For adding features into Streamlit, you’ll have much better chance on the Streamlit Github issues GitHub - streamlit/streamlit: Streamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in Python :wink:.

Though I see you already wrote an issue for this here which may give you an answer: Streamlit’s vision is to keep the number of new widgets in Core as small and optimized as possible, and provide the Components system for us to add more customized widgets like streamlit-tags, streamlit-drawable-canvas, streamlit-aggrid or streamlit-pandas-profiling to name a few frequently used widgets, so the dev team can focus on higher-level features like layout or state without the “cost” of maintaining a new widget in the source code.
Also you can later brag about how much users love your tags plugin in your resume :stuck_out_tongue: so having a Streamlit component under your name instead of diluted inside the Streamlit source code is super cool ! So you can promote your component usage on the forum :slight_smile: (I see you already added it to the tracker, which then go on the gallery).

NB: 1. I do think if your component gets ALOT of traction then eventually integrating into the core Streamlit features can be considered and 2. I don’t represent the internal Streamlit team, I have a good idea of their roadmap and way of working but don’t take my answer as the team’s final view, this is just my Creator/Forum mod opinion :slight_smile:
