Modify st.file_uploader strings


First time posting here, really happy that I discovered Streamlit!

I’ve been trying to modify the texts in the file uploader component, but havent been able to make it yet.

Following these two topics
How to Customize "Drag and Drop" Text in Streamlit File Uploader? - #3 by CarlosSerrano and
Can we edit the name of the button "Browse files" in st.file_uploader. Currently able to remove the Drag and drop text and able to get filename above the Browse files button once uploaded - #3 by sum

I could get to the following code that let’s you change the ‘browse’ button and the ‘drag&drop’ string. However I couldn’t change the ‘Limit xMB per file’.

Thanks for your time!

uploaded_files = st.file_uploader(
        f"Choose up to {MAX_LINES} PDF files to upload", type=["pdf"], 

        [data-testid='stFileUploaderDropzoneInstructions'] > div > span {
        display: none;

        [data-testid='stFileUploaderDropzoneInstructions'] > div::before {
        content: 'Arrastre aquí los archivos';

        [data-testid='stBaseButton-secondary'] { text-indent: -9999px; line-height: 0; } [
        data-testid='stBaseButton-secondary']::after { line-height: initial; 
        content: "Buscar"; text-indent: 0; }

        [data-testid='stFileDropzoneInstructions'] { text-indent: -9999px; line-height: 0; } [
        data-testid='stFileDropzoneInstructions']::after { line-height: initial; 
        content: "Límite 1MB por archivo"; text-indent: 0; }
