'module' object is not callable


import streamlit as st
import streamlit_authenticator as stauth
from streamlit_authenticator.utilities.hasher import Hasher

names = [‘John Smith’,‘Rebecca Briggs’]
usernames = [‘jsmith’,‘rbriggs’]
passwords = [‘123’,‘456’]

hashed_passwords = Hasher(passwords).generate()

authenticator = stauth.authenticate(names,usernames,hashed_passwords,

name, authentication_status = authenticator.login(‘Login’,‘main’)

if authentication_status:
st.write(‘Welcome %s’ % (name))
st.title(‘Some content’)
elif authentication_status == False:
st.error(‘Username/password is incorrect’)
elif authentication_status == None:
st.warning(‘Please enter your username and password’)

Hey @Bhavana,

Thanks for sharing this question! Please update your post to properly format your code snippet, include a link to your app’s GitHub repo, and clarify where you’re running this code (locally vs. deployed).