ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'streamlit.hashing'


i have upgraded the streamlit to the latest version today and found the following error:

"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘streamlit.hashing’ "

i am using this module to set state and get state and pass the state into a multi page streamlit app.

I have tried deleting the .config.toml from the home folder and started the app and i still get this error.

Can some one guide me why am i getting this issue?

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If you change from “from streamlit.hashing import _CodeHasher” to “from streamlit.legacy_caching.hashing import _CodeHasher”, it will work.

The cache concept seems to have changed, so I don’t know how long it will work.

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Thank you. It worked indeed

Essentially, it would be changed from “from streamlit.hashing import _CodeHasher” to “from streamlit.caching.hashing import _CacheFuncHasher”, but I have not tested it yet.

Please test it out!

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