Monthly Rewind > May

๐Ÿ† App of the Month ๐Ÿ†

Our May featured app of the month is......๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ

Worst-Case Analysis for Feature Rollouts by The Crosstab Kite team.

This app shows a Bayesian analysis of a simulated staged rollout experiment. It was built as a demo to arguably show a method better than confidence intervals for this process. [code]

Streamlit May Updates

Here are some updates on happenings at Streamlit this month.

๐Ÿ” Current Release: 0.82.0

The latest release is 0.82.0. This update helps with memory management by running more aggressive garbage collection between scripts. If you haven't updated in a while, make sure to check out the changelog since we're continually releasing new features and fixes.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Upcoming Features

Here are some new features to be on the lookout for:

  • st.card
  • Session State - coming VERY soon ๐Ÿ‘€

Featured Streamlit content

Podcasts and articles written by or featuring the Streamlit team for your listening and reading pleasure.

  • Listen to CEO Adrien and COO Amanda talk Streamlit with Chris Chinchilla on his podcast Chinchilla Squeaks.
  • Is a career in tech right for you? Amanda discusses with Aprรฉs about career options in the tech field for women returning to work after caregiving.
  • Read how the Rasa team are using Streamlit with Rasalit - a tool to interactively explore and investigate trained Rasa models.

Featured community content

Some great apps, repos, and articles by the Streamlit community. Check out the Streamlit forum for even more community content.

Thanks for checking out this edition of the Monthly Rewind. If you'd like more frequent updates on what's happening in the community make sure to check out the Weekly Roundups.

Reach out to us on the forum with any questions or projects you're working on and follow our Twitter for the most up-to-date happenings!

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