More support for langgraph?

There doesn’t seem to be much documentation on using langgraph with streamlit: either in the streamlit or langgraph docs.

Given that many people are moving away from simple langchain agents to more complicated langgraph workflows (e.g., multi-agents), it would be helpful if there were more docs and more support for langgraph + streamlit.

For instance, the StreamlitCallbackHandler currently does not work with langgraph, so one is left trying to figure out an improvised solution from the langchain docs on streamlit .


hey @Nick I made a working implementation for StreamlitCallBackHandler here in this project repo. Though I will say compared to LangChain, when implementing official StreamlitHandler through LangGraph is a bit lackluster, some libraries aren’t 1 to 1 between both. Might need an update from Streamlit side.