Move from one page to another while saving selected options

I created an app looking to:

With a lot of other multiselects.
I use the two-option radio button to address two different needs.
My question is how I can save a selection when I move from one tab to another to not redo it when I go back.
I tried a lot of solutions around the use of SessionState but I didn’t succeed.
If someone can help it will be great!

Hello @sam7791, welcome to the forum!

You can check out my Multi-page app with session state thread which does exactly what you want

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Hi Synode!
Your solution looks perfect!
all the links in your post are down!
can you verify?
thnak you very much.

My apologies. I’ve edited the main post, the link is now working:


Hi synode,
Many thanks for your quick feedback.
I am trying to implement the solution but I have on problem.
My two pages have the same options.
the only difference between the two pages is only on the source database.
I suppose that I have to make all options names unique in order to store their state.

Hi Synode,
After some numerous tests I got what I want using your class object.
many thanks,