Multi page navigation component error

I had been using the navigation component as defined here:

However, recently my app has been generating an error with this navigation configuration:

import streamlit as st

st.set_page_config(page_title="Home", layout="wide")
pages = {
    "OPS Dashboard" : [
        st.Page("", title="Home"),
        st.Page("", title="CKAN")

pg = st.navigation(pages)

AttributeError: ‘StreamlitPage’ object has no attribute ‘_default’

Its running locally and used to be working just fine. I am using streamlit version 1.36 and have been using it since the beginning of this app.

Is this a known bug or just me being an idiot?

Is this code in your or in your

Its in my
Everything works fine now as long as i just run it with the streamlit run command.

When i run the file with Python it generates an error.

In order to run the application in needs the Streamlit run invocation. That’s how the server starts.

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