I have used multiselect
successfully before, but when I try this specific example that I was trying as a POC, the behavior is very weird. Essentially, what I am trying to do is use multiselect
to make the app wait for user input at an intermediate step. However, multiselect does not wait for me to select the inputs I want to select, as soon as I select one thing, it just runs and doesn’t even execute correctly. Can someone guide me as to what am I doing wrong ? I am on version 0.82.
I also tested the same using selectbox
and am seeing the same behavior.
So, here is what I have:
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
def basic_skeleton() -> tuple:
"""Prepare the basic UI for the app"""
st.sidebar.title('User Inputs')
beta_expander = st.sidebar.beta_expander("Upload csv")
with beta_expander:
user_file_path = st.sidebar.file_uploader(
label='Random Data',
return user_file_path
def get_filtered_dataframe(df) -> pd.DataFrame:
columns_list = list(df.columns)
columns_to_aggregate = st.multiselect(
label='Select columns to summarize',
df1 = df[columns_to_aggregate]
return df1
def main():
"""Central wrapper to control the UI"""
# add title
st.header('Streamlit Testing')
# add high level site inputs
user_file_path = basic_skeleton()
load = st.sidebar.button(label='Load Data')
if load:
df = pd.read_csv(user_file_path)
clean_df = get_filtered_dataframe(df)
run = st.button("Aggregate Selected columns")
if run:
result = clean_df.describe(include='all')
I did record a screencast to share, but it is in webm format and that is not a format the community allows me to upload. I cant install converters on my work machine, so if there are any alternatives to upload the screencast, please let me know.