Multiselect widget: data displayed in alphabetical order

Hi everybody,

i would like that my multiselect widget show data from dataframe in alphabetical order.
I haven’t found, in the widget parameters, a solution to this problem (but I could be wrong).
Is it a Pandas job? If yes, can someone give me some input on how to solve?

Down here a small example of my code:

companies = st.sidebar.multiselect('Filter the company:', options=df["Company"].unique())
    df_sel_1 = df.query("Company == @companies")


Hi @Andyton85 :wave:

You’re right! You can call pandas’ .sort_values() function on your DataFrame like this example:


import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd

def load_data():
    companies = [
    return pd.DataFrame({"Company": companies})

df = load_data()

st.subheader("Unsorted Data")

st.subheader("Sorted unique values")

companies = st.multiselect(
    "Filter the company:", options=df.sort_values(by="Company").Company.unique()


Best, :balloon:

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Thanks a lot for your kind and quick reply :smile:
And also today i learn something new…


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