Hi Community!
I’m currently exploring the possibility to visualise a Graph within my streamlit application using Neovis.js. However, when I implemented via a function def render_graph
, the placeholder where the visualisation must appear shows empty.
I as curious to know whether someone has already experiemnted with this and solved it?
def render_graph(user_id, data_type):
# Fetch graph data
query = f"""
MATCH (n:{data_type} {{user_id: $user_id}})
OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-(m)
WHERE m.user_id = $user_id
RETURN n, r, m
results = execute_neo4j_query(query, {"user_id": user_id})
# Prepare data for Neovis
nodes = []
edges = []
for record in results:
n = record['n']
"id": n.element_id,
"label": n.get('name', '') or n.get('workType', ''),
"group": data_type
if 'r' in record and 'm' in record:
r = record['r']
m = record['m']
"from": n.element_id,
"to": m.element_id,
"label": type(r).__name__
# Get Neo4j connection details
neo4j_uri = os.environ.get("NEO4J_URI")
neo4j_user = os.environ.get("NEO4J_USERNAME")
neo4j_password = os.environ.get("NEO4J_PASSWORD")
# Create Neovis config
config = {
"containerId": f"viz-{data_type}",
"neo4j": {
"serverUrl": neo4j_uri,
"serverUser": neo4j_user,
"serverPassword": neo4j_password,
"visConfig": {
"nodes": {
"shape": "dot",
"size": 20,
"font": {"size": 12}
"edges": {
"arrows": {"to": {"enabled": True}},
"font": {"size": 10}
"physics": {
"enabled": True,
"solver": "forceAtlas2Based"
"labels": {
data_type: {
"label": "label",
"group": "group",
# Render the graph
<div id="viz-{data_type}" style="width: 100%; height: 300px;"></div>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/neovis.js@2.0.2"></script>
var viz;
function draw() {{
var config = {json.dumps(config)};
viz = new NeoVis.default(config);