New App - Covered call opportunities

Just recently I have found out about Streamlit and am already liking it. In the past I have been working with Shiny and Streamlit is a really great python alternative.

I’ve created a simple app that shows users interesting covered call opportunities. Happy to receive feedback and ideas for improvement:

View app: CoveredCall App

Source: github

Hi! It says “You do not have access to this app or it does not exist” :frowning:

Beginner mistake, changed the setting to ‘visible for all’. Should work now;)

Great app, and neat code! I wish I knew more about stock market!

Thanks, there are a lot of great resources online that you can read to get to know more. Most important advise it f got: if it sounds to good to be true it probably is. And there is not much that beats investing in index funds on the long run…

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