New libraries

i am tryig to use the community streamlit to build an app to change a pdf.
for this i would need the streamlit app to use the pypdf2 library.
I’m so sorry if this is a dumbe question, but streamlit is so great for beginners!!!

best regards

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Hi @Frank_Yates

Welcome to the community!

You can have Community Cloud install any libraries as you would with pip install by specifying the name of the libraries in requirements.txt file:


WoW thanks a lot.
Do I need to « reboot » the streamlit app every time I add a new library to the txt file?

I am going to try this and confirm here, for all beginners and noobs how it goes. So sorry for the questions which must seem easy for all of you.

Yes @Frank_Yates. You need to reboot application whenever you add new library. Feel free to ask.

Happy Streamlit-ing :balloon:

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It works great now, thanks for your answers.

To summarize: if you need external libraries, make sure they
are listed in a file called requirements.txt in the root of your github folder, and that you
click on …>reboot app

Yes @Frank_Yates

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