Not able deploy my app


When I try to deploy my app on streamlit cloud, my repository is getting cloned. But some unexpected problem is happening…
please check the below error message. Please help me to sort this out. I am new to streamlit cloud.

[client] Connecting...
[manager] Starting up repository: 'diabetic-retinopathy', branch: 'main', main module: ''
[manager] Cloning repository ...
[manager] Cloning into '/app/diabetic-retinopathy'...
[manager] Cloned repository!
[manager] We have encountered an unexpected problem. If this issue persists, please contact support
[manager] Updating the app files has failed: git pull, cmd: sudo -u appuser  git fetch origin && sudo -u appuser git reset --hard origin/main: error: exit status 128: fatal: couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/main

Thanks for for your help

Now the problem is different…Attaching the screenshot

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