Not Able to diploy app

Hi! just made my first app and i cant seem to deploy it,
It just gives me a server error:

i have a requirements txt file and readme but something is going wrong
it works fine in my local host,
please help me out :grinning:

Hi @rabi320,

Very likely, this is because you can’t have spaces in your file path name. The Main file path you have put Home Equity Loan Default Prediction/

you will need to add \ before each space and the should sort you out.
Home\ Equity\ Loan\ Default\ Prediction/

In future its highly recommended to never put spaces in your folder directories, because it can cause weird issues like this!

Happy Streamlit-ing!

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Wow thank you so much!
I must say your platform is realy amazing :smiley:

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Thanks @rabi320! :partying_face: :star_struck: