Openai secret key

What is the python script to use for deploying secrets like open ai api keys in my script so the key doesn’t get disabled?

And please don’t just point me to another link, please post the script here thanks.

Hi @amritg,

Thanks for sharing this question! One question for you, are you asking about secrets management for a deployed app on Streamlit Community Cloud?

If yes, then we do have a very detailed blog + docs on how to accomplish this. It’s good practice to make sure your keys are secure.

There are several ways to do this and this is one of them:

Here’s an implementation by one of our community members: Struggling With Setting OpenAI API Using Streamlit Secrets - #5 by nhtkid

You can also load the OpenAI API key from secrets.toml directly:

Example on how to save you API key in the secrets file under .streamlit/secrets.toml


Example script that shows how to read in the API key:

import streamlit as st
from openai import OpenAI

# Access the OpenAI API key from the secrets
api_key = st.secrets["OPENAI_API_KEY"]

# Set up the OpenAI API client
client = OpenAI(api_key=api_key)

def generate_completion(prompt):
    response =
            "role": "system",
            "content": [
                "type": "text",
                "text": "You are an helpful assistant\n"
            "role": "user",
            "content": [
                "type": "text",
                "text": prompt
    return response.choices[0].message.content

# A simple Streamlit UI
st.title("OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo Demo")
prompt = st.text_input("Enter a prompt:")

if st.button("Generate"):
    if prompt:
        completion = generate_completion(prompt)
        st.write("Please enter a prompt.")

When you’re ready to deploy the app, follow this detailed guide (with images) on how to add the keys to a deployed app.

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