Opening an image in Streamlit cloud from Github

Hi, Does anyone know why my image won’t open in my streamlit cloud deployment, I have used the GitHub URL, however it wont display the file. Is there something missing to make GitHub links work ?

with dataset:
	st.header('The Echo Nest Dataset (Taken from the Free Music Archive)')
	st.image("", width=350)

you can try like this:

htp5= ''
st.image(htp5, caption= '80-day sale data', width=300)
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I’ve given that a go, and same result, I’ve pasted the link to my app below. The code seems fine, its just the image doesn’t open, and this is a problem I seem to only get because I am opening the image from URL.

My Stream lit app

it seems the link you use is not proper.
probably this will work

st.image(htp, caption= 'logo', width=350)


Thanks you! Lifesaver!

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