I am getting the below error while loading the model.
OSError: Can’t read data (file read failed: time = Tue May 18 13:14:06 2021 , filename = ‘C:/Users/Dev-Laptop/Desktop/Project_Lung_cancer/best_model_1.h5’, file descriptor = 3, errno = 13, error message = ‘Permission denied’, buf = 000001CF4C342040, total read size = 150994944, bytes this sub-read = 150994944, bytes actually read = 18446744073709551615, offset = 15239888)
Hi @Sangeeth_Lal_P_S, welcome to the Streamlit community!

It would help if you share how you save and load your model and weights with TensorFlow. Nevertheless, the underlying issue is with TensorFlow / Keras and the path to your model weights.
I would suggest reading up related issues on the Keras repo and stackoverflow to see what worked for others who encountered this error. Have you tried adding .h5
as a suffix to the filepath when saving the model?
Happy Streamlit-ing! 
Thanks for your reply… It is because of my saved file corrupted…Issue solved.
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Yay, glad you found the cause and solution!
If you don’t mind sharing, how did you fix the issue? It might help other community members in the future
Did you retrain and save your model?
Yup just retrained and saved my model again.