Page scrolling on opening and reload


Recently I faced an issue when my page scrolls down to the bottom istead of starting with no scoll. Due to this issue, I am not even able to see my name and avatar, as you can see in this video.
I searched for a possible solution but couldn’t find anything.

PS.: I looked at this similar issue (link to access) but it has no replies nor visible solution.

Naomi Lago

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I’m having the same issue - following this tutorial: GitHub - Sven-Bo/digital-resume-template-streamlit

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Yeah, that’s the tutorial I’m following. I even opened an issue on Github for this occasion.

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It’s been two days…

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I have the same issue (with another project). Have you already fixed the bug?


Unfortunately not… Streamlit kind of ignores our post about this specific issue.
There are more people with the same thing but also no answeres

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From st.title documentation:

Each document should have a single st.title(), although this is not enforced.

The issue I think is that every st.write("#") in that app is interpreted as a st.markdown("#"), which is equivalent to adding an empty st.title(""), which is equivalent to an empty <h1> html tag. But there should be an unique title in the app as streamlit looks for that beginning.

In streamlit, the header levels follow something like:

Streamlit HTML Markdown
st.title <h1> #
st.header <h2> ##
st.subheader <h3> ###

Not sure why you’d need those empty title anchors (i.e., the st.write("#") before each section, maybe to add some vertical whitespace?) but removing them should fix your issue.


Perfect solution! Having multiple titles is the issue.

To add white space it’s therefore better to define a helper function like this:

def V_SPACE(lines):
    for _ in range(lines):

This problem is happening to me. I have an st.title at the start of my script, and a st.write(“##”) somewhere after, and the screen jumps to the ## at the start of every session. ## happens to be the near perfect amount of space for a button to line up with a text input with description text in an adjacent column, whereas   is too much vertical space.

The explanation above kind of suggests that using ## and ### would be safe with st.title, but it seems that is not the case. Does anyone have any advice for what to do?

I tried replacing the st.title with st.write(“##”) but I don’t think that worked.


Hey @naomilago, aside your question, how did you create the animated logo at the main screen of your app? That looks really good!



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You’re the best ! It works perfectly ! :slight_smile:


Thanks, I could diagnose why this is happening in my site.
In my case though, I’m using a streamlit authenticator login form which probable uses a st.title, making my site scroll to the title when uploaded. Unfortunately my form is not placed at the top of my site, is there any workaround so I don’t have to move it to the top?

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