I’m new to Streamlit (loving it so far!) and I’m having issues in passing values from one input button to the next. I had a look at various posts that suggest to use session states, but unfortunately I didn’t manage to make it work, yet. I was wondering if someone in the community could help me find the error in my approach
Steps to reproduce
Code snippet:
def main() -> None:
st.set_page_config(page_title="talesGPT", page_icon=":heart:")
st.subheader("Tell me a story")
if "button1" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["button1"] = False
if "button2" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["button2"] = False
if "button3" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["button3"] = False
if st.button("Button1"):
# toggle button1 session state
st.session_state["button1"] = not st.session_state["button1"]
with st.spinner("Recording audio..."):
# Trigger audio recording
user_input = recognize_from_microphone(language2code(language))
except Exception as e:
st.exception(f"Exception: {e}")
if st.session_state["button1"]:
if st.checkbox("Button2"):
print(f"user_input: {user_input}")
# toggle button2 session state
st.session_state["button2"] = not st.session_state["button2"]
#story = generate_story(user_input, language, model_name, temperature, openai_api_kei)
story = 'hello world'
print(f"story: {story}")
if st.session_state["button1"] and st.session_state["button2"]:
if st.button("Button3"):
# toggle button3 session state
st.session_state["button3"] = not st.session_state["button3"]
synthetise_speech(story, language, gender)
if st.session_state["button3"]:
# Print the session state to make it easier to see what's happening
## Session state:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Expected behavior:
The expected behavior is the following:
- when pressing button1, the user is asked to talk to the microphone, and the voice is recognised as user_input. This step works well
- when pressing button2, I’d like to use the user_input above as input, and pass it to a function that would call an LLM to generate a story. → The problem is that the system doesn’t recognise user_input and raises the error: “UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable ‘user_input’ where it is not associated with a value”. If instead of a button, I use a checkbox, step 1 is also retriggered, when I press step 2.
Debug info
- Streamlit version: latest
- Python version: 3.11
- OS version: Venture 13.1
- Browser version: Chrome Version 113.0.5672.126
- Link to your GitHub repo: talesGPT/ at main · andreaxricci/talesGPT · GitHub