Description: I’m developing a Streamlit-based chatbot that provides computed data to users. During a conversation, the chatbot allows users to run a function under the hood, after it finishes a download button is presented to let them download the squared numbers. However, when moving to the next conversation or after the user clicks on the button, it disappears on them. I want the previously generated download button to persist throughout the entire conversation/interaction with the chatbot.
Current Behavior:
- Within a chatbot conversation, users can compute the squares of a given range of numbers.
- The squared numbers are saved to a file.
- I generate a unique key for each download button and save this key.
- Not sure how to proceed from here
- Every time streamlet is rerun or the user clicks on it, the button disappears.
- When the user moves to a new chatbot conversation or clicks on the button, I want to display a the same download button, and at the same time, retain all previously generated download buttons.
Reproduceable Example
import streamlit as st
import utils # importing our utility functiondef main():
st.title(“Square a List of Numbers”)# User input for a range of numbers start_num = st.number_input("Start number", value=1, format="%d") end_num = st.number_input("End number", value=10, format="%d") if st.button("Compute Squares and Save to File"): numbers = list(range(start_num, end_num+1)) utils.compute_and_download_squares(numbers)
if name == “main”:
import os
import streamlit as stdef compute_and_download_squares(numbers):
# Compute squared numbers
squared_numbers = [num ** 2 for num in numbers]# Save squared numbers to a file filename = "squared_numbers.txt" with open(filename, 'w') as f: for num in squared_numbers: f.write(f"{num}\n") # Display download button or error message if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, "r") as file: st.download_button( label="Download Squared Numbers", data=file, file_name="squared_numbers.txt", mime="text/plain" ) else: st.error("File not found!")