When the user changes the selectbox option, the scatter mapbox dots do not update properly. They are there but invisible (you can mouse over and see the hover_data). If the user clicks full screen the map seems to refresh and the dots display properly.
selected_project = st.selectbox(label="**Select a Project:**", options=distinct_equipment_df['PROJECT'].unique())
project_lat_longs = distinct_equipment_df[distinct_equipment_df['PROJECT'] == selected_project]
# Plot map for a selected project
fig = px.scatter_mapbox(project_lat_longs, lat="LATITUDE", lon="LONGITUDE",
color="EQUIPMENT_TYPE", hover_name='LOCATION_ID',
hover_data =['STATUS', 'LATITUDE', 'LONGITUDE'],
color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.G10, size_max=20, zoom=6,
margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0))
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)