Poems + CLIP: Alph, The Sacred River

Alph, The Sacred River combines poems and text using CLIP from OpenAI. I precomputed a hash for about 25K images from the Unsplash landscape dataset and featured photos.

The app will tell your story with images (as best it can – it’s mostly landscapes!). You can also enter your own text. Check it out and let me know what you think!


Nice use case, @metasemantic!

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This is a wonderful use case, @metasemantic

I write poetry in Spanish, and I think I can give it a try as a method to showcase my own poetry. I tried with the input box and it resulted in very interesting things.

I’ll fork it, play around with it for a bit and report back! Great work, I loved it!

I’d love to see what you do with it! I’m also @metasemantic on Twitter, so if you post something there please tag me and I’ll promote it!

I noticed that the BPE (byte-pair encoding) had tokens for other languages so it should have at least a minimal understanding of Spanish – no guarantee on how well it will work though.