Hello everyone,
I just want to share an experience.
I work on a streamlit project since 3 months for a multinational. I have to compare benefiits between Streamlit and Power BI. That was a bracket
In my script, i get this error “index 22656 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 22656”. In fact, I have a dataframe of 22656 rows and i need to introduce it in a PYGWALKER API. When i only want to display my data with “st.dataframe”, no error, but when i replace “st.dataframe” by “pyg.walk(…)”, i get this error. I don’t find problems in my indexs too.
So, i tried to fix this issues and there i discover POLARS. I tried to change only the format of my dataframe. I convert from PANDAS to POLARS. It’s always a dataframe, but i changed constructor. And what happens ? My error no longer exists.
I decide to share this alternative whether someone gets this issue and take opportunity to notice existence of POLARS that i discover. It seems that it is faster than PANDAS, from some researchs on web.