Hi, I get the following error only when I deploy (works on local):
gsheetsdb.exceptions.InterfaceError: Invalid URL, must be a docs.google.com URL!
This is from the following lines:
qry = f'SELECT * FROM "{sheet_url}"'
rows = conn.execute(query, headers=1)
The code works on my local machine, however it does not work whenever I deploy it - therefore I belive this is a streamlit issue, not a link/authentication issue. I’ve also confirmed (via a st.info()
on the app) that the query I use is:
SELECT * FROM "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/chars_here_in_real_url/edit?usp=sharing"
Folder structure is simple:
my_streamlit_app_folder >
.streamlit > secrets.toml
Streamlit version is 1.8.1. I’ve followed the instructions step-by-step here: Connect Streamlit to a private Google Sheet - Streamlit Docs
Any ideas/suggestions for what might be going on? Been struggling with this for a few days, tried rebooting/deleting the app as well however no success so would really appreciate any thoughts - thanks!
Code is below for reference:
import streamlit as st
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from gsheetsdb import connect
# Create a connection object.
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(
conn = connect(credentials=credentials)
def run_query(query):
rows = conn.execute(query, headers=1)
rows = rows.fetchall()
return rows
sheet_url = st.secrets["private_gsheets_url"]
qry = f'SELECT * FROM "{sheet_url}"'
rows = run_query(qry)
for row in rows:
st.write(f"{row.name} has a :{row.pet}:")
And secrets.toml
below - I’ve copy-pasted over my file from local to App settings > Secrets
# .streamlit/secrets.toml
private_gsheets_url = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/chars_here_in_real_url/edit?usp=sharing"
type = "service_account"
<<copied from json as per link above>>