Problem deploying with psycopg2

I am trying to deploy an app about cycling.

I have this problem and I don´t know how to solve it :

Thanks in advance for your support

Please share the link to your public github repo.

Hello Franky

Find attached the link:

Fixes see my pull request on github.
However this won’t work either, because you try to access a database on localhost, which does not exist on streamlit cloud.

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Thank you so much for your support.

It´s my second app, also I need to upload it on a database online, ¿What is the best option?

Hi @Franky1 , I have a problem, the app is not working with the Amazon RDS db, is my first app with an external database.

Also, in local all the things are working.

Thanks in advance for your support

  • Don’t put your credentials on github
  • Read this in the docs how to use secrets on streamlit cloud:

Secrets management - Streamlit Docs

@ domin2662 Dear Domin did you find the solution? I am also trying to connect streamlit with postgresql. I also have the same issue! Unfortunately there are not enough resources regarding the issue. If you had found, I would be more than graterful if you share.

Hello Sinakian, the code of the app is public, but after 2 weeks the postgres database crash and don´t work, I also need suport. I can not help you

Use apt-get install build-essentials :slight_smile:

Can you please explain more. I don’t know what is it.

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