I have an issue with my code refreshing each time after selcting a campsite and pressing a submit the page refreshes. I have set the session state for the variables and have similar code that works without issue. I would be very grateful if anyode has any idea how to prevent this.
I have included my code below and the version of python and streamlit I am using.
The code is drawing a map using coordinates given user ip address and the user adds markers on the map. The code will then search for nearby campsites and a multiselect box is presented to confirm choice of campsites. After pressing submit the page refreshes. Thee is no error produced unfortunately.
Python version: 3.11.1
Streamlit version: 1.40.0
# Display content based on selected option
if option == "My Toolbox":
st.sidebar.write("Use this option to store your camping know how.")
st.sidebar.write("Use this option to store your camping know how. ")
st.title("My Toolbox")
st.write("This is the My Toolbox page.")
elif option == "Plot a route":
st.sidebar.write("Use this option to plot a route on a map. You can draw a route "
"and view all the nearby campsites for each route plot.")
# Initialize the Streamlit app for route plotting
st.title("Interactive Route Plotting")
st_data = None # Variable to store map data
# Get the user's IP address
# Voketswil 'lat': 47.3895115, 'lng': 8.687449599999999}
user_ip = requests.get('https://api.ipify.org').text
coordinates = get_coordinates_from_ip(user_ip)
if coordinates:
lat, lon = coordinates
print(f"Latitude: {lat}, Longitude: {lon}")
print("Failed to retrieve coordinates.")
# Create a Folium map centered at the specified location
# Create a Folium map
m = folium.Map(location=[lat, lon], zoom_start=13)
# Add the Draw plugin to the map
draw = Draw(
'polyline': True,
'polygon': False,
'circle': False,
'rectangle': False,
'marker': True,
'circlemarker': False,
edit_options={'edit': True}
# Create a container for the button and map
container = st.container()
# Create a column for the map
col1 = st.columns([1])[0]
with col1:
# Display the map in Streamlit
st_data = st_folium(m, width=600, height=400, use_container_width=True)
# Button to find nearby campsites
if st.button("Find nearby campsites"):
# Get coordinates of the markers from the map
# Get the coordinates of the markers
coordinates = []
for drawing in st_data['all_drawings']:
if drawing['geometry']['type'] == 'Point':
(drawing['geometry']['coordinates'][1], drawing['geometry']['coordinates'][0]))
RADIUS = 5000 # Search radius in meters
# Get campsites for each coordinate
for coordinate in coordinates:
campsites = get_all_campsites(coordinate, RADIUS, google_api_key)
# place_name = geolocator.reverse(coordinate, language="en")
place_name = geolocation_reverse(coordinate)
# st.write(place_name)
st.write(f"The nearby campsite(s) for {place_name}:")
st.write("click to expand")
import datetime
for campsite in campsites:
# Initialize session state for campsites if it doesn't exist
st.session_state['campsite_list'][campsite['name']] = campsite
with st.expander(f"{campsite['name']}"):
# Get the weather forecast for the campsite
params = {
"lat": campsite['location'][0], # Use the campsite's latitude
"lon": campsite['location'][1], # Use the campsite's longitude
"appid": weather_api_key,
"units": "metric" # Use metric units for temperature
response = get_five_day_weather(params)
# st.write(response)
# Display the weather forecast section
if isinstance(response, list):
cols = st.columns(5)
for i, day in enumerate(response):
with cols[i]:
icon_url = f"http://openweathermap.org/img/wn/{day['weather'][0]['icon']}@2x.png"
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(day['dt_txt'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
st.write(f"High: {round(day['main']['temp_max'])}°C")
st.write(f"Low: {round(day['main']['temp_min'])}°C")
st.write("No weather forecast available")
# Add a blank line space above the weather forecast section
st.markdown(" ")
# Call the function to display the campsite details
result = display_campsite_details(campsite)
# Print out the result in the main function using Streamlit's st.write function
for line in result:
if line.startswith("**Photos:"):
for photo in campsite['photos']:
selected_names = st.session_state['selected_names']
with st.form("my_form"):
selected_campsites = st.multiselect('Select Campsites',
default=st.session_state.get('selected_names', []))
if st.form_submit_button("Submit"):