Protocol error

ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None

backend is running and i checked with a script to print ans in terminal
It’s working but same in streamlit it’s not
i am using streamlit and python with the following versions:
python = Python 3.10.10
Streamlit, version 1.32.2

what i am working on is using hugging face app along with streamlit
any help would be appreciated

Hi @Pooja_Harihar :wave:

To address the ProtocolError in your app, you may want to check whether you’re not exceeding Hugging Face API limits and verify that your network allows connections to Hugging Face servers.


hey @Charly_Wargnier ,
Im also facing this error, where in Hugging face API without streamlit , i.e., on terminal gives output where as on streamlit, its throwing the error, any way to tackle this?
And also how to verify the network that allows connections to HuggingFace servers?
(PS : I have created a new API key that is not exceeding the API limits)

Hey @Anish_Vantagodi

To address your issue with connecting to Hugging Face servers from Streamlit, you can use the curl command to check if your network can reach Hugging Face servers:


A response indicates your network can connect, while no response suggests a potential blockage.

You may also want to check your firewall and proxy settings.

Let me know how it goes.


Hey @Charly_Wargnier ,

Curl didn’t respond so I guess I have to check my firewall and proxy settings.

Any idea on how to lower my firewall to HuggingFace?


If you’re in a managed network environment, such as an office or university, you may need to contact your network administrator for assistance. Otherwise, you can typically find how-to guides for your device (Windows, macOS, Linux, etc.) and your operating system online :slight_smile:
