Hi, I’m currently new to using streamlit/python and currently having issues with radio buttons refreshing the page when pressed. It could be me not understanding whats happening in the background.
I want to create a button asking the user if the generated python code is correct before running it.
I’ve tried using radio buttons for this but whenever a button is pressed it refreshes the page and clears the code / question.
I’m also running this locally.
Is there anyway to do this ?
if question := st.chat_input('What python code do you want to generate?'):
with st.chat_message('user'):
python_code = generate_python_code(my_question)
with st.chat_message('assistant'):
st.code(python_code, language='python', line_numbers=True)
options = [' ', 'yes', 'no']
radio_python = st.radio('Are you happy with the python code', options=options, index=0)
if radio_python == 'yes':
result_code = run_python_code(python_code)
elif radio_python == 'no':
python_code_resp = code_editor(python_code, lang="python")
fixed_python_code = python_code_resp["text"]
if fixed_python_code != "":
result_code = run_python_code(fixed_python_code)
python_code = None
st.write('No Python Code')
python_code = None
st.write('No Python Code')