RAG-OSINT Passive Reconnaissance on streamlit

I am delighted to introduce the RAG-OSINT :man_detective: demo, a cutting-edge tool that leverages Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to revolutionize web research and open-source intelligence gathering. This tool aims to streamline the intelligence collection process, providing an efficient and effective AI solution for professionals in the field.

:mag: Key Features:
:pushpin: Advanced web research capabilities
:pushpin:Optimized data retrieval and processing
:pushpin:User-friendly interface

I invite you to watch the demo video to see RAG-OSINT in action:

:pray: Special Thanks To:
Groq: For their powerful computing solutions that enhance the tool’s performance.
phidata: For their robust data management and processing capabilities.
Streamlit: For providing a user-friendly framework to build interactive web applications.
Ollama:For their invaluable support in running and managing large language models locally.

:pushpin: Code source on github

I look forward to your feedback and insights!
Thank you for you attention :heart: